Catherine Eaton

Tiny Stories, Tiny Tales

five small things

I thought I might join in since one of these memes is floating around.

5 Things You May Not Know About Me:


1. I'm a heavy reader of 19th century literature, English, American and Canadian. It's a deep interest that began as a teenager and has never let up. It's gotten to the point that I'm heading towards more obscure authors and have had to get a book or two from England. Lucky for me, that writing novels was prolific in the 19th century. Some of my personal favorites are Yonge, Montgomery, Gaskell, Eliot and Hawthorne.


2. After leaving college, I almost stopped entirely listening to music. I've only recently started again and I listen mostly to Mozart and Bach. Jon K. always sends me wonderful mixes and so I listen to those as well. I'm not sure why I stopped listening but I think it has something to do with a deep need for silence.


3. I am the seventh Catherine on my mother's side. I might even be eight or nine but my grandmother never got far enough on the geneology records. That's a lot of Catherines. And they all started their name with a C.


4. I biked across Vermont and Massachusetts when I was thirteen. I was part of a small school and the tutor was from Vermont. All his children biked across for Vermont and so we had to also. It was mostly awful (I was completely out of shape) but also wonderful- I could eat two Snickers bars a day and still lose weight. We biked around 60 miles a day.


5. I want to live on a small farm someday (I'm not sure where) and have animals there. I sometimes I wonder if I could handle it…but I think I could.


Okay! Let's see…if you read this, that means you're tagged.