I sit here swatting at fruit flies and further procrastinate on the daily writing grind. Oh! I'm writing, yes! but not on what I should be writing on. And it's really not much of a grind to write out a story that has beautiful mythological elements- but I still have to procrastinate over it because it's work.
Well, I got all hardcore today and made a pizza dough out of wheat-free mix. My first time using yeast and thank God, it was a success. Wheat-free flours or mixes are always a little funky and this pizza dough was too but it's definitely good enough to eat and eat…and to keep eating. Success, in my book.
Oh- and in case you don't know, I'm allergic to wheat and dairy. I can only take one letting go of at a time and wheat is the first. It's a slow process, this letting go of wheat. In case you haven't noticed, we live in a society saturated in wheat. I'm surprised there aren't wheat babies yet (whatever that means). Eating food without wheat is very tricky. In most cases, I can get around it but the two things I can't resist are 1. pizza and 2. hamburgers. It's hard to order a salad when there is pizza to be had. It's darn well impossible. I did bravely resist all forms of incredible sandwiches and had a salad on Sat. at this rockin independent bookstore cafe but that wasn't pizza, was it? Or a hamburger.
So yeah. If I eat wheaty things I get tired. Not just tired but oh my god I just turned into an eighty year old sort of tired.
So yeah. That was babbling enough.